Re: Don't you wish emotions came with a decoder ring?
koalamom, on host
Thursday, November 24, 2005, at 03:44:36
Don't you wish emotions came with a decoder ring? posted by LaZorra on Wednesday, November 23, 2005, at 19:28:07:
. > > The rest of my brain unaffected by this strange malady remains oddly aloof, studying with detached fascination it illogical emotions of a young woman. My own curiousity and amazement at the fact that I cannot decipher my own emotions leaves me wondering if anyone else out there has ever felt like this and what they thought it meant.
Forget the decoder ring, wouldn't life be easier if emotions came with an on and off switch instead?
As I see it, you like this guy, but you know he's not really right for you. So you let him go, and a bit of wistfulness lingers. I don't see what's illogical about that. You just haven't reached your emotional expiration date on this one yet.
And, too, if it were me, I'm sure my ego would be suffering a bit-- even knowing I don't ultimately want the relationship to continue, part of me would still wish he hadn't been aghast at the flirting statment, and the same part would wish didn't like the girly butterfly type so much because that's not *my* particular brand of femininity. And so it's not illogical that seeing him with someone else would be an unpleasant reminder of one of life's little unfairnesses: that not everybody we like likes us back the same way. And thank you so much for dredging up some uncomfortable memories for me--excuse me while I go call my therapist.. ;-)
Anyway, I think it's great that you can step back from the situation and analyze it intellectually --some people never seem to get to the place of being able to do that. But remember that it may take a while for your emotions to follow.
> La"Men are like shoes: made to confuse"Zorra
koala"totally doesn't get the shoe reference"mom