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Re: traffic
Posted By: Lucky Wizard, on host
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2005, at 19:52:12
In Reply To: Re: traffic posted by commie_bat on Tuesday, October 18, 2005, at 12:30:54:

> That's why we have the good ol' cloverleaf interchange. Works wonders at the crossing of two highways, and you can always get from any direction to any other quickly and easily. Oddly enough, to go back where you came from you make two lefts - not two rights.
> The cloverleaf would get my vote for "best", because where you need one it's well worth all the space it takes up.
> ^v^:)^v^
> FB

And while we're on the topic of interchanges, there's a rather cool-looking interchange near Baltimore. I've linked a picture of it below.

Incidentally, there's only one cloverleaf interchange in the Portland area, mostly because most of the places where a freeway meets another freeway are an end point of one of the freeways in question. There's only two four-way interchanges, and the one between I-84 and I-205 is unusual in that I-84 runs parallel to I-205 for about a mile. There are eight necessary ramps (four directions you might be coming from times two ramps for each direction you might want to change to) and five of them are at the north end of that stretch and three are at the south end.

Lucky "Thus the only cloverleaf interchange is the other four-way one, which is on the other side of the state line: it's the interchange between I-205 and Washington route 500." Wizard

Link: Interchange of I-95 and I-695

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