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Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, September 2, 2005, at 15:53:15

On TV, I see a lot of buses in New Orleans. They have intercity buses, innercity buses, school buses, church buses, airport buses, and who knows how many other kinds of buses. More than likely, there were a lot of buses destroyed by the storm and the flood. They shold have evacuated the buses.

Now back up about a week.

There is a big storm out there in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. It's growing and headed right this way. This place is surrounded by water and a lot of it is below sea level. Some people are getting in their cars and leaving town. Some people, for a number of reasons, are not going. Line up the buses, load up the poor, the sick, the old, the stubborn, and the stupid and let's bus them out of town. It's cheaper than search, recovery, and rescue.

Some of them may not want to go. But governments are never slow to protect us from our own stupidity. That why my lawn mower engine stops every time I raise up off the seat. So even if we move them out at gun point, they have to go.

They won't let people walk into a dangerous place, so why would they let people stay in a dangerous place?

Is there anything wrong with this logic?

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