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Re: Here I am again
Posted By: Gabe, on host
Date: Sunday, August 28, 2005, at 18:38:18
In Reply To: Here I am again posted by knivetsil on Thursday, August 25, 2005, at 22:57:22:

> Well, I believe it's been over two years since I've posted regularly on this forum. ... But something tells me I'll be sticking around for a while.

Welcome back, for however long you stay.

> Well, the biggest thing in my life that's been overarching these two years has been a long, complicated romantic debacle with this girl at my school. But for one, it's way too sappy for you to be interested in, ...

The first time through this, I read "it's way too snappy for you" and wondered just how brilliant this relationship was.

> I understand that many of you are Christians. I remember my very first post on this forum was about how happy I was to find a place where I could talk about faith with others. But now I'm sorry to tell you I've lost my faith and consider myself an atheist.
> The change was gradual. I'm not sure how I can go into the reasons for it without offending anyone. Suffice it to say I had some good friends around me who influenced me in that direction.
> However, if someone wants to try to "convert" me back, I'd be more than happy to engage in a long, drawn-out debate over the matter. Actually, I'd be interested in hearing someone who really believes in their faith actively defend it against me.
> kniv"Can someone help me out?"etsil

Sure, I'd be willing to talk about it. I'm no great debater, but I can usually get people to the "I see what you mean, but you're wrong" stage, which is better than complete misunderstanding. You have my email address above.

I've changed my beliefs on a variety of subjects often enough that epistemology (to a small extent) and people's reasons for their beliefs fascinate me. Plus, I suspect that this post will spur others who know and disapprove of my beliefs into also offering their time. :)

Ga"either thick skinned or too socially inept to be offended"be

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