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Re: Almost everything you never wanted to know about me and less!
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Sunday, October 17, 1999, at 12:26:50
In Reply To: Re: Almost everything you never wanted to know about me and less! posted by Sam on Friday, October 15, 1999, at 14:26:47:

> Ok, I've gone back and looked at her contributions. She wasn't on for very long, but I guess she posted enough messages to establish her prior involvement with RinkWorks. So how about this. If she comes back to RinkWorks and contributes at least that much to the message forum again, prior to your eventual theoretical engagement, you two can be eligible for the coveted bathmat and Official RinkWorks Couple title.

Okay, she's back. Condition met :-}. But this brings up the following question: you say that we need to provide "proof of engagement." What exactly constitutes proof of engagement? I'd feel more than a little bit awkward asking for a reciept for an engagement ring... ;-}

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