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Re: Weird creatures...
Posted By: Talia, on host
Date: Saturday, October 16, 2004, at 22:16:24
In Reply To: Weird creatures... posted by scottipimpin on Saturday, October 16, 2004, at 17:56:36:

> I have made it through every AGL game except for POA (which I am working on) and the mysterious subscriber goodie, I'm working on Murkons Refuge, and I've played many rounds of Enchanted Forest.
> There are some odd monster names in some of the games.
> Can someone please tell me what the following monsters are, or if Sam just made them up:
> A "kobold"
> A "gwuil"
> and a "beefhead"
> If I come across any others I'm confused about, I'll add them to the list. Thanks in advance.
> (By the way, sorry if this is the wrong forum, but since this pertains to the games on Rinkworks I thought it went here.)

I know a kobold is not made up, you can find it in many "Dungoens and Dragons" games. It is a doglike creature. In other games they are normally found in packs, becuase they tend to be not very strong alone. I belive that the other two are made up, but I could be wrong. Maybe they can be found elsewhere. ~Talia

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