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Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2004, at 15:55:25

I'm not a dog person, but I keep hearing a dog arfin' around upstairs. That would be Cooper, the Corgie (Corgy???), a little dog with a loud bark. He has been in the family for several years and currently belongs to our two youngest grandchildren. Yep, we're kid sitting and dog sitting.

Cooper is a well-behaved little dog, but when he gets excited he barks so loud it hurts your ears. It's hard to believe that such a small dog can make that much racket. He's not terribly small, but his legs are so short he looks like his feet are connected directly to his body. But he can really move, chasing a ball or a kid or something.

Imagine a dog so close to the ground he gets his belly wet if there is dew on the grass. And he likes to have his belly rubbed even when it's wet. When he flops down for a rest, he only moves a couple of inches. If he is lying on his side, only two feet are on the ground. He goes under my truck at full speed and doesn't touch it.

Eat, sleep, play. It's a dog's life.

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