Re: cell phone rings
LaZorra, on host
Thursday, June 24, 2004, at 16:53:21
cell phone rings posted by Howard on Thursday, June 24, 2004, at 11:40:35:
> I'm not a cell phone person. I drive, my wife talks. It's safer that way. But today I read a column in the Atlanta Journal Constitution that said that you can change the ring, aka music, on your phone, but that it costs you a couple of bucks every time you do it.
I don't know which phone company puts out this phone you saw, but most cell phones come with a list of preprogrammed tunes from which you can choose. No charge to change, as they are part of the phone. With some cell phones, you can even program a tune yourself. For the longest time, my mom had the theme song to the Wild Wild West (TV show, not movie) as her ring. Now she's got a phone that seems like it has this feature, but it doesn't, so I can't make her her "special ring." It was nice, because she always knew if the phone ringing was hers or not.
>The phone should have a feature where you could record your dog's bark or the sound of your motor scooter, and yourself whistling 'Dixie," if that's what you like.
There are phones that have this capability. We almost got one, but it was out of range out here in the boonies, so we had to exchange it for a no-frills model. It would have been fun.
La"Now I have the Wild Wild West theme song in my head"Zorra