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cell phone rings
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, June 24, 2004, at 11:40:35

I'm not a cell phone person. I drive, my wife talks. It's safer that way. But today I read a column in the Atlanta Journal Constitution that said that you can change the ring, aka music, on your phone, but that it costs you a couple of bucks every time you do it. So if you get sick of the William Tell Overture, and want to go with the theme from "Lovestory," it's "$2.50 please" or some similar amount probably depending on your provider. Did I read that right? That's outrageous. The phone should have a feature where you could record your dog's bark or the sound of your motor scooter, and yourself whistling 'Dixie," if that's what you like. Everybody wants everybody else's money.

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