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Re: Rednecks
Posted By: Chris, on host
Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999, at 18:45:27
In Reply To: Re: Pickup trucks . .. posted by Howard on Tuesday, October 5, 1999, at 16:36:24:

> > No clue who wrote this, but it's FUNNY!
> >
> You're right about that Brandon, it IS funny. Some of it is true. If I wrote something like that I wouldn't leave a clue to my idenity either.
> After all, I live in redneck country.

I live in Stoner country. Due to the size of our little community in proportion to those around us, and considering we obviously won't get the Midwestern breed of true rednecks, it's about the closest thing. Pickups, Suburbans, and Rabbit/Similar types are about what the place is made up of. I'd like to have a pickup for my first car, a nice used one. I have to say that. They'll hurt me if I don't. They might hear me and hurt me for the used part.... Seriously, though, pickups are cool. I don't know how they'll handle. I'm still studying to get my permit. Yes, I know I'm a year late.

In retrospect, I must ammend one of my previous statements and I don't know how to do it withought changing the paragraph and I'm really lazy since I'm avoiding homework: we do have the midwestern "true" rednecks-- they drive the busses. No kidding. Last year, there was one named Lloy. No D, just Lloy. Nickname: Taz. Missing teeth, southern accent. That was scary. 'Course, he was the first one I've heard of that stuck it out the whole year. Gotta give him credit for that.

> Yep, you guessed it. I have a pickup truck. In fact I already wore one out and I'm 80,000 miles into my second one.

That's not so much. 'Course, a fifty-mile one-way commute can cause my perception of distance to warp a *tad*.

> How"Why are you looking at my neck?"ard

Anybody know how that got started? Sunburn?
[the term, not the back of Howard's neck]

Chr"the only truly redneck thing I do is, upon occasion, say y'all"is