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Re: Monster Arena: fixing the shell game strategy
Posted By: commie_bat, on host
Date: Monday, May 10, 2004, at 15:25:27
In Reply To: Re: Monster Arena: fixing the shell game strategy posted by Ciaran on Monday, May 10, 2004, at 14:51:47:

> Attaching HP to items you wear doesn't make sense, but attaching Str/Con does. Granted, attaching Str to armour or Con to a weapon seems a bit odd, but still.
Attaching Con to a weapon makes some sense, because weapons can be used to block incoming attacks. Think The Princess Bride, where both Inigo and Wesley had weapons but neither had armor.

Of course, it all makes sense if the add-ons are magical in some way, and they are if Sam says they are.

I like the idea of some upgrades being inherent in the character, so they can't be passed around with the weapon.

On that note, I think Str/Con weapon upgrades should show up under "Weapon" ("Armor") and not under "Strength" ("Constitution") when viewing a party. I think it would make the stat breakdown more realistic, since those upgrades don't belong to the character in any meaningful way.

F"magic is the answer to every question you don't want to bother thinking about"B

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