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Re: Soft Taco... just a burrito in disguise?
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 1999, at 07:39:07
In Reply To: Soft Taco... just a burrito in disguise? posted by Dracimas on Wednesday, October 6, 1999, at 07:10:22:

> >they call what I guess is technically a burrito a "soft taco".
> 1. A burrito is wrapped with both ends closed. A soft taco is folded in half with both ends opened.

Then you could say a "soft taco" is a burrito that's folded improperly, so that the juice and tomatoes etc. run down to your elbows ;)

...I seem to have that problem with rolled souvlakis and tzadziki sauce, too...

> 2. A burrito most usually contains beans to some degree. A soft taco doesn't (that I've seen anyway.)

Let's see... The Mexican restaurant downtown called "Carlos & Pepes" puts refried beans even in its hard tacos, but the "Marcos" resto doesn't.

> It is the opinion of this "common tater" that a burrito and a soft taco are indeed exactly the same... except *completely* different.

How about putting some 5-alarm peppers buried in the taco filling? That's wake us up

> Drac "I have no idea why I over analyze." imas

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