Movie Review- The Passion of the Christ
RiftTraveler, on host
Tuesday, February 24, 2004, at 07:05:49
I normally would not post a review in a forum that I rarely visit (I'm at the site all the time, but not necessarily this forum), but I got the opportunity to sit in on a special preview of Passion last night, and I wanted to offer up my thoughts on it.
When I was in eighth grade, I read a medical essay on what exactly happened to Jesus when He was scourged and crucified. It went into medical physiological detail about it, and just imagining it was enough to make me know it was something that I would never, ever want to go through.
This movie brought it all to shockingly real life for me, and even though I winced at several points (and I NEVER wince at movies), I watched the entire thing in acknowledgement that this was what happened 1970 years ago.
All that being said, this was a very very good movie. Even if you aren't a Christian, and even if you aren't looking at it from an evangelical perspective, the story of what Christ went through (as indeed, several thousand other people) is altogether different seeing it like this.
This was a beautifully made movie, and I was riveted through the entire thing, despite the fact that I knew how it ended.
Biblically, it follows along toe to line, and never deviates, which was the main thing I was looking for. There were several instances where things happened that weren't mentioned in the Bible, but only because the narrative was not on that particular person at that particular moment.
On a more personal note, Seeing what happened to Jesus, and what He had to go through in order to be the intermediary for us lousy humans drove home to me (more then anything else in my life) just how much I owe Him, and how worthless I am at actually trying to repay the debt. That's something I'm going to try to be working on over the next few months, if not years, so be in prayer for me about that.
Beautiful beautiful movie. Go see it.
5/5 Stars
-Rift "it is well with my soul" Traveler