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Re: You missed something
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Friday, December 4, 1998, at 12:04:34
In Reply To: Re: You missed something posted by GreenJeanz on Friday, December 4, 1998, at 12:00:37:

> You missed something. Bruce Willis as a child saw a guy die. When he goes back in time, the man that gets shot is HIMSELF! He as a child saw HIS GROWN UP SELF DIE!

Well, yeah. Of course, the entire movie is possibly just a delusion happening in ol' Brucie's head, so... He also saw Brad Pitt die. I figured I covered in the "random STUFF happened" line...

> That was one of the best movies I have ever seen. The scary part is that I was 9 and understood the whole thing, where my Dad didn't get it at all! Sadly, my Mom didn't see it. She would have liked it though.

It's one of my favorites, though I could easily understand why people wouldn't like it. I don't think anyone could really get what all is going on the first time you see it... While you can get the general plot, there's a lot of cool stuff you catch only on a second (or third or fourth) viewing. One thing that makes me happy is that its a movie that is really pretty logical when it comes to time travel...

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