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Re: Boom Mikes
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Monday, September 27, 1999, at 19:04:35
In Reply To: Re: Boom Mikes posted by Luisa on Monday, September 27, 1999, at 14:02:19:

> And looking back at what I did as a high school SM compared to what I do as a college SM, I find it amazing that my high school pulled plays off. I can't think of anyone whose duties included some stuff that I now consider crucial (like recording blocking. . .). I think the director did some of that, but not a lot.
> Oh, well. . . the miracle of theater, I suppose.

Yeah. I did some summer theatre, and was amazed that, with the director's organizational skills (we had to be off-book before she would *start* the blocking, she didn't pick an SM until a week before we went up, etc...) we pulled it off at all.

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