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Re: Boom Mikes
Posted By: Luisa, on host
Date: Monday, September 27, 1999, at 14:02:19
In Reply To: Re: Boom Mikes posted by Darien on Monday, September 27, 1999, at 10:10:14:

> My high school had *no* headsets of any sort. Not that it mattered much, since we also had no SMS, let alone ASMs. That was some interesting theatre...

I'm pretty amazed that mine did have headsets, considering the state of their other equipment.

And looking back at what I did as a high school SM compared to what I do as a college SM, I find it amazing that my high school pulled plays off. I can't think of anyone whose duties included some stuff that I now consider crucial (like recording blocking. . .). I think the director did some of that, but not a lot.

Oh, well. . . the miracle of theater, I suppose.

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