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about that DVD player
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2003, at 07:40:10

I'm getting ready to buy a DVD player and I don't know beans about one. I found a model at Radio Shack that says it is JPEG compatible, or words to that effect. Does that mean that I can show my still digital pictures, JPEG format, on it? I also plan on getting a CD burner soon, and as near as I can tell, a CD should fit in a DVD player. But will it work? I had a bad experience at another store. You know the one I mean. They had stacks of DVD players that had been taped shut. That means they were sold and returned and I am leery of such rejects. They also indicated that you couldn't use a DVD without an "accessory package" which was "sold separately." What's the straight scoop on these little wonders? I can't wait to start catching up on all of those inferior movies I've been missing over the last few decades.

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