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Re: Call for Discussion (was: Sam and Dave fan club)
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 1999, at 12:23:23
In Reply To: Call for Discussion (was: Sam and Dave fan club) posted by Sam on Wednesday, September 8, 1999, at 08:25:46:

Hrm. I'm unsure on this issue. While I'd be interested in seeing the stories, it does seem unlikely that they'd be too popular among more casual readers (as hard as it is to believe, AFAIK there are a lot more people that read the site than those who are active on this forum). Sam mentions DotA being popular, but that was written to intentionally be funny. It also had tons of references to things you could get without knowing the background novels it was based on. And let's not forget the huge amount of footnotes needed for DotA.

"It's a Bad, Bad, Bad Story" on the other hand, may not fare so well, unless they were *really* bad. There's a lot of bad amateur stories out there -- are the ones here bad enough to be funny? Certainly they may be to the authors, but I don't know if I would find them that way.

Now, this does not mean I wouldn't read them, but I think I would appreciate them for the significance they have for the site and something like DotA, not for any inherent humor value (unless they're really horrible). I'm not so sure that would make a good feature on RW though. Perhaps the stuff could be posted to the site, but not made available on like the main page? Sort of an "unofficial feature" ala AGLL... That way those of us that are obsessed with RW could see them, without having to bring down the impression of RW to a more casual reader. Or maybe that would be too much work for too little pay-off. Just an idea.
