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Re: Crying-- a quick science-type answer.
Posted By: Bourne, on host
Date: Friday, March 7, 2003, at 01:34:57
In Reply To: Crying-- a question for the science-y people posted by Lirelyn on Saturday, March 1, 2003, at 11:22:19:

>I attributed the post-crying calm to some kind of emotional release. But now I'm wondering if there's some kind of biological effect that produces that feeling after the shedding of tears. Anyone know anything about this?

I talked to a couple of medics and biologists about this - the most rational explanation that we came up with was that the stimulation of the tear glands is coupled with some form of chemical release associated with your ability to feel pain. The physiological effect of pain (whether actual or emotional) within the brain is actually very similar, and the body responds in a similar way - releasing endorphins that not only dull pain but give a feeling of increased well-being and calm.

This would explain why you feel the same whether you've been crying at the episode of er with Dr Green's funeral or because your eyes are irritated.

I don't know which chemicals are responsible for it, though. You'd have to look it up in the medical journals, or the Journal of Pain if you really wanted to know.

Bo"The Journal of Pain isn't as bad as it sounds, although it does have a habit of snapping shut on your fingers"urne

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