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We've come a long way
Posted By: Ferrick, on host
Date: Monday, January 27, 2003, at 10:50:12

Hey, our team won. Let's burn the city.

Dang, our team lost. Let's burn the city.

Newspapers could have saved some time by preparing this headline on Friday and just inserted "Jubilant" or "Distraught" come Monday.

_____________ Fans Cause Havoc

How about the teams that didn't make it to their respective championships? What do they do for fun? Even worse, what if your city doesn't even have a team that you can riot around? Or you are New Orleans?

I say, let the cities burn. Then we will be rid of some of that riff raff who decide that inciting mass mayhem is OK for most any situation, particularly a sporting event. And why even try to reinvigorate a city that has run down if the people living there don't even give a rip about it? Unfortunately, most of the neighborhoods that are thrashed don't actually house the people doing the thrashing.

So, have we really changed all that much? We could start over but we'd get to some point like this sooner or later.

Fer"the more things change the more they stay the same"rick

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