Re: the cat's view of Christmas
DarkNova, on host
Thursday, December 26, 2002, at 12:52:30
the cat's view of Christmas posted by Howard on Wednesday, December 25, 2002, at 07:15:06:
My cat simply tries to be as EVIL as possible. This is her to-do list, based on real incidents:
1. Rub face all over shiny objects hanging off tree. Look like twit.
2. Climb tree. Jump out at last possible second when tree tips and stare at tree with eyes really wide. Run to avoid retaliation when people attack.
3. Scratch boxes under tree.
4. Vomit.
5. Vomit.
6. Stand at the door and wait for person to open it to let me out. Stand in doorway, allowing as much cold to enter house as possible. Run back in house. Make whiny noise.
7. Act extremely cute and nice, then whine and run when people try to scratch my ears.
8. Catnip rave.
9. Lick fur of other house cat, then hiss, scratch, and run away.
10. Cause huge argument about who spilled my water bowl.
11. Climb tree. Tip tree.
12. Act like a cat.
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