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Re: Hellbound Blasphemers
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Friday, July 5, 2002, at 14:37:10
In Reply To: Re: Unpatriotic Draftdogers posted by Zarniwoop on Friday, July 5, 2002, at 10:35:59:

> > > Dear Mr. Unsucessful Wrecking Ball,
> > >
> > > Haven't I explained that somewhere before? ABOUT 90
> > >TIMES!
> >
> > No.
> >
> > -- Dave
> Okay, let's save him the trouble. I think this might just pass for an explanation:
> "Frankly, I think every able-bodied American man, and every able-bodied, single, American, woman (unless she has a worried pop) should enlist, or if he is drafted, he should go willingly. Not only is it his duty, but will benifit(spl) him in many ways; he will gain discipline, become pysically stronger, and be able to endure harsh mental conditions. So one may consider an able-bodied American man that does not join any branch of the Armed Forces a draftdodger, even though technically, he is not dodging the draft. "

I thought by this time some of our more religious-minded regulars would have posted something using your moon logic.

Namely, one's duty is to his or her god first, country second. Therefore, we should all strive to be priests. If we all aren't priests and put our god first before all, we are all doomed to eternal damnation.

Every ablebodied man or woman (unless you are pregnant or have a worried pop at home), who is not going to college should join the priesthood after high school. Not only is it their duty, but they will benefit in many ways: a closer relationship with their god to name one. If they don't become priests, they should be branded as heretics, burned at the stake or crucified, and sent straight to hell even if, technically, they did not profane their diety.

-Faux "Taking Introduction to Moon Logic 101 this fall" Pas

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