Re: TV-Show-A-Minute
Faux Pas, on host
Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 09:00:33
Re: TV-Show-A-Minute posted by Faux Pas on Thursday, November 15, 2001, at 08:44:28:
One more show:
[The following takes place between one hour and another. Events are filmed in real time.]
JACK BAUER: [speaking on cell phone] Terrorists are trying to assassinate a US Senator and myself. I'm just glad my family is okay.
[JACK BAUER'S FAMILY is kidnapped by terrorists.]
[eleven minutes past the hour]
SHARI PALMER: I will do anything to get my husband in the White House, no matter how stupid it may be. Even if it won't get him elected, I'll still do it, just as long as it's stupid and I look like a power-hungry [word meaning female dog, rhymes with "witch", starts with a "b"].
SEN. PALMER: Keith, do you trust me?
SEN. PALMER: Keith, do you trust me?
SEN. PALMER: Keith, do you trust me?
SEN. PALMER: Trust. [speaking on cell phone] Trust trust trust trust trust.
[twenty-seven minutes past the hour]
[KIM BAUER does something incredibly STUPID, which almost gets her KILLED. Meanwhile, a TERRORIST uses a cell phone to CALL someone.]
[forty-one minutes past the hour]
TERI MYERS: [speaking on cell phone] Jack, we've just gotten word that the terrorists' insanely complex plot to kill you and Senator Palmer has just gotten even more insanely complex.
JACK BAUER: [speaking on cell phone] Great.
[Jack DRIVES to the other side of LOS ANGELES in about TEN MINUTES.]
[fifty-six minutes past the hour]
[Something SUSPENSEFUL happens just in time for this hour's closing credits.]
- FP