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Losing myself
Posted By: Sean, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2002, at 13:35:57

Don't know why I'm posting this but here goes:

I'm just one of those sad (terribly sad) people who have this amazing ability to lose my way, no matter where I am. I have always struggled with my sense of direction - I come out of a building, and have serious trouble figuring out which way I came. Once I even got lost in a toilet. Now THAT was an experience. AND I wasn't the only one at the time!!! A free concert (Aqua) back home in good old New Zealand in '99 sponsored by local business because of a power outage in the city, and at the end of it, bursting to go, making slow progress with all the people around, finally made it to the toilet and hello the light was off. It had 3 corridors, and when I was ready to leave, couldn't find the exit cos there was no light!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone else have any interesting stories about getting lost............... (though unlikely to be as sad as mine)

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