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"Re: Feel Better, Chris!" or "The reason I'm not posting this"
Posted By: Julian, on host
Date: Friday, August 6, 1999, at 12:07:16
In Reply To: Feel Better, Chris! posted by Darien on Thursday, August 5, 1999, at 20:21:41:

Chris: I hope you are not ill any more, which kinda makes this post superfluous (gnilleps), because all I wanted to do was to cheer you up so that you might feel better quicker.

My problem (how come these always pop up?...) is that RMT* is about the same as STFM** so that I in general have to wait for a day to see if anyone is out there...

BTW, I was wondering about starting a thread asking people where they heard of Rinkworks for the first time? For me, it exemplified that life is like a box of chocolates (you never know what you're gonna get) when I saw the link in a MathCad mailing list. Actually, the link was to the Dialectizer...

But naahhh! I don't think I will. It's probably not interesting, and it will only contribute unnecessarily to the flood of poststststs.

> Dar "I wonder if I should tell them that as a result of the unfreezing process I have no inner monologue?" ien

Jul"I *was* going to offer to freeze you down again. I know where to get 120 litre cans of liquid Helium"ian

*Rinkworks Mean Time
**Sleeping Time For Me

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