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Re: The Wild Things Menace
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 1999, at 11:10:49
In Reply To: Re: While I have my directors hat on :) posted by Sam on Tuesday, August 3, 1999, at 05:05:55:

> > And third this is a big plot twist that would need some tricky writing but it could work.
> No comment, except that, no, it couldn't. This is just gratuitous plot twisting, now. Leave that to "Wild Things."

Why? What if The Phantom Menace was Wild Things? I personally think it would go something like this:

After the last scene in TPM:

Senator Palpatine walks into his chambers, only to find Qui-Gonn hanging out there.

Qui-Gonn: So, did you get the money?

Palpatine: Yup, we're gonna be rich from that whole Naboo-Trade Federation scam!

(Suddenly, Jar-Jar walks in)

Jar-Jar: Meesa thinking yousa owesa meesa mysa share of the money.

(Jar-Jar removes a mask to reveal Darth Maul's face underneath. Qui-Gonn is shocked)

Qui-Gonn: What? I thought we killed you!

Darth Maul: Well, you thougt incorrectly. You really killed a battle droid dressed up like me. (Darth pulls out a blaster and shoots Qui-Gonn.)

Qui-Gonn: Ugh. (Dies)

(Palpatine and Darth Maul celebrate. Later that night, there is a gratuitous sex scene between Amidala, Padme and Darth Maul.)

(Roll credits. During the end credits we see flashbacks doing a half-hearted attempt to fill in the plot holes.)

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