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Re: Congrats and Blair Witch...
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Monday, August 2, 1999, at 11:03:32
In Reply To: Re: Congrats and Blair Witch... posted by Faux Pas on Monday, August 2, 1999, at 10:56:28:

> > > However I'd reccomend staying away from the web site. There is definitely some spoiler material on it...
> >
> > Kinda the opposite of the "Eyes Wide Shut" website - I went there to attempt to get some clue as to what the movie is about, and found no information whatsoever. Just links to .AVIs of the commercials.
> That's because with, there was a small group of people who wanted to get everyone excited about the movie. The Eyes Wide Shut site probably had about 400 people involved including all the marketers, creators, and money-holders. EWS had to work with committees, Blair Witch had a group of people.
> In the website creation biz, the more people you have involved in a site, the longer it takes to produce any real content. Something like a movie, with a real deadline, and well... you wind up with an electronic brochure.
> Probably:
> There are People Who Just Don't Get It working behind the scenes at the EWS site. Not the people who created the site, but the people they answer to. They were told "Okay, we have a movie coming out in three months. Build a website." The site creators tried to get as much information about the movie as possible, but everything had to go through the chain of command:
> "All information has to go through Legal." "All text has to go through Marketing." "You can only use the images provided in the press release."
> It's a fight to get content for the site from one group, then get that content approved through Legal, Marketing, IT, the CEO, his dog, and the director. The site builders, faced with a trickle of content that keeps getting deleted when it comes back from the various approval groups, took what little they were able to get by the launch date and just stuck it up on the site.
> Then an exec comes by and berates them for not creating anything that looks like

i agree with just so everyone knows, when i first visited the site, (quite a while before the movie came out) it only had a few things on it. then as the release date drew near they'd let on more and more...and i haven't been there since the movie actually opened, so i didn't know that heather's diary tells what happens in the movie...i just wanted you all to see a pretty decent website for once. once you've seen the movie, go see the website. it's quite worth the little time it takes.

fam "come one, come all" ous

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