Re: News
Faux Pas, on host
Friday, March 1, 2002, at 08:24:28
Re: News posted by Philbee on Friday, March 1, 2002, at 07:40:57:
> You know, I have no idea why I post stuff when I know someone is going to start yelling really loudly at me, and then I'll feel embarrassed. It must be some kind of weird reaction. So, now I'll post my usual "Oops, what a darned silly thing to do apology message".
Maybe it's just me, but it seems that half of your posts are about how stupid or idiotic America or the American government is without providing anything about why you think America or the American government is stupid or idiotic.
The original post that had everyone jump on you just stated that you thought the header had "most pretentious header for a web page" ever and you found it difficult to not burst out laughing. In the message I'm replying to, you state you were "really laughing at was the fact that the site looked like an online magazine". If you had stated that at the beginning, we all wouldn't have thought you were taking yet another potshot at the American government.
Actually, we would have, but at least we would've realized why.
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