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Re: Thoughts on freedom
Posted By: John W., on host
Date: Monday, October 26, 1998, at 17:30:50
In Reply To: Re: Thoughts on freedom posted by Sam on Monday, October 26, 1998, at 16:38:12:

> Of course not. Your advance knowledge doesn't revoke
> his free will, and neither does God's revoke ours.
> Of course, I've sidestepped some chaos theory in
> this example, but I don't believe these theories
> do anything for my example but complicate it.

I think that a simpler way of looking at the situation is to look backwards, not forwards. In other words, it makes more sense if you say, "God knew you would do that." You still have a choice, even though God knows what it will be.

You could also take the stance that when God created the universe, He created time as well as space, which would imply that God is outside of time, which would mean that none of the paradoxes are valid.

The Flatlanders saw the sphere as a shrinking and expanding perfect circle... it made no sense to the Flatlanders, because there were not outside of their 2D reference frame. If God is outside of the 4-dimensional time/space reference frame all together, which makes sense to me (even though I don't understand it), and we still have our free will, then predestination doesn't have to make sense to be true. It just is, but in a way that is deeper than any person in our reference frame could possibly comprehend.

I don't know if I'm making any sense here, but I hope it makes F/P a little easier to understand.

-John W.