Re: Enchanted Forest high scores
Faux Pas, on host
Tuesday, July 27, 1999, at 09:51:50
Re: Enchanted Forest high scores posted by Dagmar on Tuesday, July 27, 1999, at 09:25:15:
> I'm on a T1 and I still only manage one game per lunch. Playing from home (modem) was too tedious. The worst bit was loading the banner every time. It kept jamming. I though of suggesting that Sam remove it from the inner E.F. pages, but I know Sam uses them to keep the site going financially. I also may be in the minority when it comes to trouble connecting via modem to the banner site. > > Dagmar
I usually find the banner a stumbling block when visiting the site. Sometimes it hangs and I just hit escape to load all of the page (minus banner). Perhaps if the Enchanted Forest game was in a frameset with the top frame the advertisements refreshing every 45-60 seconds and the bottom frame the game files. If you're worried about people skipping past the ad, have the bottom frame check to see if it is in the correct frameset -- if it isn't, have it load up in the page in a frameset.
-Faux "noresize" Pas