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Re: Time travel
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Friday, January 4, 2002, at 12:36:45
In Reply To: Re: Time travel posted by Eric Sleator on Friday, January 4, 2002, at 11:35:07:

> If I invented time travel I wouldn't tell a single
person in any time. I'd use it for my own
purposes and then hide it from humanity.
There are too many people who would screw
with time and make everything wrong. And I
am one of them.

How would you go about it? Would you
attempt to go back and prevent yourself from
discovering the secret to time travel? It
probably wouldn't work, because your brash
young self wouldn't listen to your older, mature
self from the future.

I can see it now:

Old Eric: "Eric you mustn't invent time travel! It'll
cause too much chaos!"

Young Eric: "Stuff it, old man. I'm gonna make
me lotsa money. That's all I care about."

Old Eric: "Hey, you're right! I had forgotten why I
invented the dang thing in the first place. Keep
up the good work, son!"

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