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Re: coming up
Posted By: Eric Sleator, on host
Date: Thursday, December 20, 2001, at 19:40:08
In Reply To: Re: coming up posted by Grishny on Thursday, December 20, 2001, at 17:01:55:

My sister was born on Christmas. In the morning we do Christmas, and then in the evening (which is when we do birthday stuff on other people's birthdays, too) we do her birthday stuff. My parents always set aside some special presents for her birthday so it's not just Christmas for her. I being a typical unemployed teenager, though, I can only afford to get her either a Christmas present or a birthday present. If her birthday were several months later or earlier I could probably then get her one for her birthday and one for Christmas. But this year that's definitely out of the question, owing to the expense of the present I'm getting her, which I Won't say what it is because she may be SNEAKING AROUND and READING THE FORUM BEHIND MY BACK.

-Eric "Sleator Claus" Sleator
Thu 20 Dec A.D. 2001

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