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Re: 'Game of the Ages' Update
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999, at 13:16:18
In Reply To: 'Game of the Ages' Update posted by Sam on Monday, July 12, 1999, at 05:26:33:

It's time for another update on my progress with my upcoming Adventure Games Live game "The Game of the Ages." Why? Because I've passed a crucial threshold. The code for GotA as it stands so far is now approximately half a kilobyte larger than the code for all of "Fantasy Quest." In terms of how far along I am, I think I can say I'm "half way" now, which may not seem like much of an improvement over the last update, in which I said "almost half way," but since Friday or so, I've made phenomenal progress, moving along at a faster and more consistent pace than I have since the beginning stages. (Whipping out a web port of "Fantasy Name Generator" during that time was scarcely a distraction at all.)

To give updated statistics since the last update:

> As of this morning, GotA has 41 completed locations. But the code length averages to about 3228 bytes for each location.

Now I have 47 completed locations, four of which were very complex ones, so the work they required is the equivalent of several simple locations. Because of this, the average code length for each location has risen to 4078 bytes, nearly four times the length of the average "Fantasy Quest" location.

As slow as the work is, it's remarkably satisfying. But I'll tell you one thing -- the next AGL game I do won't be so ambitious.

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