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Re: no kiddin! (very long)
Posted By: Morris Cecil Glalet, on host
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999, at 08:57:30
In Reply To: Re: no kiddin! (long) posted by Sam on Monday, July 19, 1999, at 07:43:52:

You guys (yes, GUYS! Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Anti-PC in two words!) are absolutely correct. I hate how a lot of people go "All white people are racist!" That's racist in itself. Same thing going on with the Women's Lib. "All men are sexist!" What is with that?! Don't you wish it was the day where black people were black instead of African American, and people from foreign countries were (for example) Japanese or German instead of Japanese-American and German-American? What if they aren't from America? What if they are just Japanese? What are we supposed to call them then? Japanese-Japanese? Also, why does everyone have their own special names except run-of-the-mill white people? We're white. No one screams and gets mad with people when they're called white (although someone on the bus once told someone else "I'm not white. I'm peach.") The only non-"white" name we get is Caucasian. What in the name of Whistler's mother is that supposed to mean? There's no such place as Caucasia. Next time someone calls me white, I'm going to tell them that, no, I'm not white, I'm Dutch-German-Irish-Hungarian-Scottish-Polish-English-French-American.
PC goes too far. No matter what you say, there's going to be someone who's offended by it. Say "Hello" and someone out there is going to go "Are you saying I'm going to hell?!" Say "Hi." and people accuse you of calling them drug addicts. Say "Good morning" and they go "This morning was terrible! My house blew up! How dare you say that's good!" The point of PC-ness is not to offend anyone, but some people are offended by everything.
Also, it seems that PC protects every race, every gender every religion, every physical or mental handicap, and so on, EXCEPT what I'll be as soon as I become legally adult: White adult male Christian with no mental or physical defects. In movies, most of the criminals are portrayed as white guys. If a black guy is a bad guy, the movie industry is sure to either have the black guy be an unwilling criminal, or that another black guy is a good guy. Same with Mexican-Americans or Hispanics or Latinos or whatever they are this week. For as many white criminalsthere are, there are just as many criminals of every other race and ethnicity. It seems that no one cares about the white male, though there are, it seems, more white males pretty much anything else. I'm not pushing for white domincance or anything, but the white guy is almost always the "evil person" in movies and TV. And why do people say to be tolerant of every religion except Christianity? Christianity is what religiong the Founding Fathers were, it is what the Constitution is based on, it is the largest religion in the world, and yet "Stop trying to push your Christian views on me" and "Be tolerant of the Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the New Age people, and the Australian Tree Snail Worshippers, but please, just go away, Christians." That is very upsetting to me.

-Morris Cecil "I'm not a teenager, I'm a youth-American!!!" Glalet, Mon 19 Jul A.D. 1999

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