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Re: A book series you should ALL read
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 11:04:48
In Reply To: Re: A book series you should ALL read posted by famous on Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 05:32:04:

> > > You should all read the following books by Tim Lahay and Jerry B. Jenkins...
> >
> > Seriously, they are a great series. They make you think...
> just had to put my two cents in, everyone i know that has read these has loved them...

I just looked through the reviews at First thoughts: The series started off as one book, then with a follow-up, then seven books, and now twelve... Can't anyone write a story in just one book anymore? Old gripe, you've probably heard me say that before.

Almost all of the reviews (600+ for the first book!) made me feel like I was reading a review of a Star Trek novel -- everyone who was a Star Trek fan (or, in Left Behind's case, a devout Christian) leaves 5-star reviews and fannish Trek comments -- "Riker is so kewl!" (in Left Behind's reviews, almost all of the 5-star reviews had comments such as "The Rapture is coming and no one knows when but God. The Bible is real!! It doesn't lie!!"). Like someone who wants to know if the Star Trek book in question is a good book to read has to cut through the fannish clap-trap, here too, a reader has to wade through John 3:16 and other New Testament quotations. However, this is a problem with a site that makes it easy to post reader's reviews -- the majority of people reviewing are extremists; either they're fanatical about the work or they hate the stuff.

To the three of you who have read these books, what is your opinion on them? Why did you like th book? Interesting stories that take the concept of the rapture and what happens afterwards? Or is it a preachy Christian scare tactic to get the reader to accept Jesus Christ into his or her life? The reviews on seem to vacilate between the two.

-Faux "Curious George" Pas

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