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Re: Those darn Midi-things
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 05:29:58
In Reply To: Re: Those darn Midi-things posted by Zarkon on Tuesday, July 13, 1999, at 17:03:47:

> > ****** removing text for obvious reasons*****
> >
> > let's remember one thing:
> >
> >
> > fam"still in touch with reality"ous
> To which I can only reply:
> Bah. Humbug. There's no such thing as 'just a movie'[0]. Mein Kampf was just a movie too[1]. Yes, it's ridiculous to compare the two... but it's obvious that the medium has power over us, and those who create movies have a responsibility to use that power well. In fact, all entertainment has such power. Things such as the movie and television rating systems (and, say, the banning of certain words from this forum by the creator) are acknowledgements of this fact.
but i believe there is such a thing as 'just a movie'. i disagree that the medium has as much power as you say. (and i realize most people don't agree with me) but i see movies, tv., music, etc. as a form of entertainment. and they don't really have 'power'. for example, we've all seen cases on the news about people who did things 'because they saw it on a movie or tv.' i think that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. i mean, come on, those people have a mind of their own, and to blame entertainment is just ludicrious. people should stop letting themselves be so affected by entertainment. when i leave a movie, the last thing i think of is how it's affected me. all i want is some food. (ice cream, perhaps).

fam"now i'm starting to get hungry"ous

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