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Posted By: MarkN, on host
Date: Monday, August 6, 2001, at 23:59:23
In Reply To: I have all the respect int he world for George Lucas, but... posted by Bourne on Monday, August 6, 2001, at 23:48:03:

Yep. I wasn't sure what to expect- Episode 2: The Clone Wars being too obvious. But attack of the clones?

A New Hope", "The Empire Strikes Back", "Return of the Jedi" are all kind of symbolic-representative of a larger plot. Calling Episode 2 attack of the clones is like calling Episode IV-"The Death Star", Episode V-"Darth Vader strikes back", Episode VI, "Skywalker's Return." Even "The Phantom Menace" was more suggestive of something else, not throwing the details of the plot at you. It would be like calling the film "The Sith Menace". It leaves no guesswork.

Also... The other titles have become part of our culture... endless parodies of The ____ strikes back, for example, or the ____ Menace. Attack of the _____ is already too cliche. It's like all those bad sci-fi films, in which the title is a pretty fair summary of the plot. "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes", "Attack of the 50-foot centerfold", "Attack of the office supplies", and so on. Name one good movie, book, or anything that has a title that throws everything out in the open like that.

It sounds like some loser's idea for a movie title. Or some bad April Fools Day joke.

Attack of the Clones... I can't even believe it. That's just pathetic. If this movie had been made before the others, there would be no way they'd name it that. But because people are already familiar with the references to the clone wars in the movies, and everyone on the internet knows about it... they thought they might as well toss that in there.

Even The Phantom Menace is kind of suggestive of some dark secret, to catch your interest... suppose they'd called Episode I Attack of the Nemoidians? Or Attack of the Battle Droids? If the main, uniting theme of the movie is that a bunch of clones attack people... the movie may manage to be worse than the original.

Mark"If this seems less intelligent than normal... well, look at the time"N

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