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Re: Moonstruck
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2001, at 11:57:32
In Reply To: Moonstruck posted by Issachar on Tuesday, July 17, 2001, at 11:48:50:

> I'm waiting with bated breath for Japan to
>finish building its super-powerful telescope in
>a couple of years, at which time we'll be able
>to actually look at the surface of the moon and
>see for ourselves whether there's an American
>flag planted there. :-)

There is, trust me.

I could go into long winded detail rebutting every claim I've ever heard that seeked to "prove" that the moon missions were faked. But I won't. Because there is one very simple rebuttal that wipes out all the arguments at once.

The Russians.

They were trying very hard to get to the moon themselves. They had ways of tracking our flights, just like we could track theirs. They were in space too, and actually had a last ditch effort to upstage us by returning a soil sample from the moon with an unmanned probe (which crashed) before Apollo 11 could return home with all of it's soil samples. They could easily have told the difference between a mission that put men in LEO and faked a moon mission and one that actually sent men to the moon. Don't you think they would have screamed bloody murder if they had any HINT that we actually hadn't gone to the moon?

They didn't. They knew we'd been there. Just like I know we've been there.

-- Dave

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