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"That's Your Problem."
Posted By: Chrico Rinotir, on host
Date: Saturday, July 7, 2001, at 12:41:53

I've been on a self-imposed sabbatical from Rinkworks for the last week or so, so I haven't had the chance to get various things off my chest.

First off, Milosevic. He is, without doubt, the evilest, most sardonic, masochistic excuse for a human being in the whole of the last fifty years. I know it's a bit strong, but it's the way I feel.

He and a few of his government officials were singlehandedly responsible for several hundred thousand deaths in the Baltics. They caused hardship and homelessness for several million refugees as well.

The UN finally catches him and sends him to the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague and, although about 90% of his home country supports his arrest, he denounces it as a "False Tribunal" and that it was actually NATO that comitted all the warcrimes in Yugoslavia.

My view on this could, I suppose, be justified by the bias put on by the international media, but I have seen extensive reports from Yugoslav TV that would back up my views - and, probably, anybody elses.

Secondly, I'd like to harp on for a moment about all the fuss in the UK about cannabis. A former Tory government front-bencher, Peter Lilley MP, has called for the legalisation of cannabis, even going so far as to suggest selling it over the counter in newsagents.

Having never taken a narcotic, legal or otherwise, in my life, I am probably not the best person to talk about whether cannabis and other "soft" drugs should be legalised or not. My view, though, is that it should be legalised.

I have my reasons. My main one is that in the Netherlands, where they have legalised it for several years, they actually have the lowest cannabis intake of any other country in the European Union. If anything, legalising cannabis will make the whole underground shebang blow apart overnight. Even the police are for the legalisation (at least for mecidinal purposes) because they'd make less arrests and there would be less underground drug dealing.

Finally, I want to wish Tim Henman all the best of luck at Wimbledon. Maybe it's my patriotic streak coming to the fore, but I think it's about time he won.

Chrico "Nice New Name" Rinotir

Link: UN War Crimes Tribunal - Transcript of Milosevic case

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