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Re: Not A RinkDream
Posted By: Sundragyn, on host
Date: Friday, June 29, 2001, at 12:23:26
In Reply To: Not A RinkDream posted by Wes on Friday, June 29, 2001, at 01:55:22:

Wow, that's a cool dream. I had a cool dream last night, too, and I'd like to share. It was quite long and had a plot (it's a mini-story!!), so you might want to skip this if you aren't interested...

The dream began, first of all, with me dying. (Actually, there was some stuff before that but it wasn't really all that important.) I don't remember how or why I died. So, I became a ghost. It was kind of fun to be a ghost. I could fly and float, and I could go through stuff if I concentrated really hard. If I concentrated hard, I could also seem almost solid. If I didn't, I went all see-though and wispy. Now, I hadn't really wanted to die, so I decided to try and live this double life as a living person and a ghost. I was really paranoid that someone would find out. Only one living person knew that I was really dead, my best friend (who, incidentally, I don't know in real life). She was kind of freaked at the whole thing at first, but then she realized what a cool thing it is to have a ghost for a friend. We were bestest buddies and I used my "ghost magic" to get her stuff and we were really happy. I liked being a ghost. But I still was kinda new at being a ghost, and although there were other ghosts who were trying to teach me, it was really frustrating for me to stay solid for a long period of time... of course, I got caught. Everyone freaked. I ran, er... floated, er... fled. (Whatever.) My friend followed me, told me it was okay. Then she slipped, fell in a lake of toxic waste. Now, apparently, ghosts cannot enter toxic waste. Artificial gunk plus supernatural creature equals destruction of said supernatural creature. So I floated over this brown gunk, really freaked out. But some sort of toxic creature grabbed her, threw her up into the air, I caught her, and flew off with her.

We settled down on this porch overlooking a lake, and I tried to wash the toxic gunk off of her, but I realized she was going to DIE if I didn't do something. She didn't want to die. I didn't want her to die. (Not everyone becomes a ghost, apparently, and we didn't want to take that chance.) But I had an idea. I started gathering up all my ghost magic, and started tossing it into the lake in this complicated sort of ritual that would save my friend. If I used up all my ghost magic, I'd stop being a ghost and go back to being alive, which would be rather difficult since everyone now KNEW that I was dead. My friend realized what I was doing, knew how much I liked being a ghost, knew what would happen if I suddenly turned up alive again, and tried to stop me. I wouldn't let her stop me, though, and I saved her. And I guess I un-died in the process, which was sad for me, but I'd much rather have had my friend.

And the moral of the story is that friendship is more important that the afterlife itself.
