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Not A RinkDream
Posted By: Wes, on host
Date: Friday, June 29, 2001, at 01:55:22

Alright, I don't really know why I'm posting this, or why anyone would care, but I had a pretty weird/interesting experience last night. I was lying in bed watching TV, and I had entered that half real, half dream state you sometimes get in after you're half woken up out of a deep sleep. Anyways, I had a short dream type thing while I was in that state. The dream thing was of a girl, who was maybe 24 years old. She was wearing black, leather or something else shiny, had bright red hair, bright red eyes, and she was engulfed in flames. She didn't mind though, because she was Satan, which is something I instinctively knew when I saw her. Anyways, she was standing on the middle of a large plateau, which was barren and rocky. Not a nice tan desert kind of rocky, this was very dark brown-maroon rock. There were no clouds as far as I could tell, but there weren't any starts either, even though it was night out. The only light was the extremely fierce red/orange glow coming from the woman (which for some reason seemed to make the ground near her darker instead of lighter), and the light from the other 'characters' in the dream. Around the woman was a huge ring of fire. It was probably about 150 feet in diameter. As the fire burnt and danced around like fire does, images resembling faces would appear all over it, facing inwards towards her, angry, misshapen faces, which I assumed were demons or something like that. (The ring was about 6 feet high) Oh yeah, the woman was also caring a large walking stick, which seemed to give off a very faint black glow. Then suddenly the ring of fire around the woman began to move in towards her quickly, roaring a deep mountain-shaking type of roar and creating a rather uncomfortable feeling, gaining height as it came in. It appeared as if it were trying to engulf the woman I mentioned earlier. (The top of the ring was also leaning in, so if it had gotten to her, it probably would have looked more like a sphere than a ring, but that's not important.) I could tell that she was afraid, but she banged her walking stick down against the ground with extreme determination on her face, and the ring rushed back to nearly it's original spot, although a bit closer than that, maybe 140 feet in diameter this time. The faces in the fire got more frequent and more angry, and it roared louder. Then it rushed towards her again, and again she slammed her walking stick down, harder this time, despite her being even more frightened than before. The ring again backed up, but only to about 120 feet this time, and it appeared to become even fiercer. This continued for a while, with the ring getting closer each time. I found myself thinking about how this seemed amiss, since she was Satan and was supposed to be in control of the fire. Anyways, once it got to about 40 feet in diameter, it rushed in and engulfed her completely. All that was left was an extremely bright spot of fire where the woman had been standing. It roared and crackled and the faces that appeared in it were glaring sinisterly. That's when the dream ended. The thing that makes this dream thing interesting, besides the fact that it would have taken some really impressive special effects to remake, is that it actually symbolizes something, and I know what it is, and I even knew what it was during the dream. Specifically, it was symbolizing sleep. Every time the wave would rush forward, I was getting closer to actual sleep and farther away from being awake, but then I would catch myself, and push myself back out of the deep sleep, but every time this happened I was getting closer to actually falling asleep. When the fire finally overtook the woman, I truly fell asleep completely. At that point the dream stopped and I didn't dream of anything else all night, as far as I can remember. But when I woke up, I woke up knowing that what I had dreamt while falling asleep not only symbolized my falling asleep, but symbolized more than that. It symbolized all human urges, emotions, and whatnot. The ring being the urges and impulses, the woman being our logical thought at conscious, and the walking stick being our will power.

Wes - "Nutso"

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