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Smurfs in Ultima Online (was: Re: Ice Cream Poll)
Posted By: Stephan, on host
Date: Friday, June 29, 2001, at 05:28:02
In Reply To: Re: Ice Cream Poll posted by wintermute on Friday, June 29, 2001, at 02:59:46:

Hail Thee,

> Smurf flavoured ice cream? I thought they were an endangered species,

Very endangered indeed. All the more so after a very recent extermination campaign from Origin Systms Inc. (now EA). You see Ultima Online had smurfs ! Cute blue robed guys with a hood and a mission ... the mission to help fellow players with problems and questions (ie. help solving them, not causing them). Officially they were called counselors, but everyone knew they were smurfs (clad all in blue with white trimmings).

A short while, and due to very sad reasons (not related to ice cream in any way whatsoever, thats why I am keeping this short), OSI pulled the RLA (Really Big Lever) on the smurf program and so they're all gone now

Funny sidenote: when they were still active the Gamemaster of UO had a button for delegating something to a Counsellor .... the button was labled "Smurf It" :)


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