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Re: Ice Cream Poll
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Friday, June 29, 2001, at 02:59:46
In Reply To: Re: Ice Cream Poll posted by Stephan on Friday, June 29, 2001, at 02:49:10:

> We do have an ice cream falvour, though, that is all blue and is called "Schlumpf" which is the German word for Smurf. I can't say what it tastes like, as I never tried it. Probably because it is blue :)
> --
> Stephan

Smurf flavoured ice cream? I thought they were an endangered species, protected by international treaty. But then if a few Japanese restaurants can get away with selling whale sushi...

How many smurfs go into each carton? Do the WWF* know about this cruel and illegal trade?

winter"So that's why Gargamel was always after them - to make ice cream"mute

* World Wildlife Fund, incase anyone thought I meant World Wrestling Federation.

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