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Re: Pantsacola
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Thursday, June 28, 2001, at 07:13:26
In Reply To: Re: Pantsacola posted by Brunnen-G on Thursday, June 28, 2001, at 01:23:41:

> > And then I heard that women were not
> > allowed to wear pants on campus. Is that
> > true?
> I hope not, otherwise Dave will be kicking
> himself that he hadn't heard of this place
> and wasted all those years going to the
> University of New Hampshire instead.
> Brunnen-"yes, yes, I *do* know what you
> meant...are there seriously places that can
> DO that? Wow."G

Yes, it's true. And yes, Brunnen-G, there ARE
seriously places that do that. Pensacola is
one of them, along with many other
conservative, fundamental Christian colleges
such as Bob Jones University, Northland BBC,
Ambassador BBC, name a few. It's
also true of any independent, fundamental
church I've ever heard of. (I attend one.)

The women-shouldn't-wear-pants attitude
seems to be very prevalent in the
Fundamentalist movement, but I've never
understood it. (How, pray tell, can a woman
ride a horse, or go rock climbing, or do a slew
of other similar types of activities, withOUT
wearing them?) My wife also went to PCC; it's
where we met. While she was there, she
obeyed that rule, but she has absolutely no
problem with wearing pants, shorts, or
anything else as long as it's modest.

I have never heard a sermon preached from
the Bible on why women shouldn't wear pants.
I don't think you can support that position
scripturally. I have heard messages on
modesty, and certainly agree with that
standard; it can be supported from the Bible. I
don't know about the pants issue. I personally
think it is one of those grey areas that boils
down to personal conviction.

As for Pensacola, at times I wondered
whether the reason behind some of their rules
was a desire to project a certain image in the
community. I remember while I was there
often hearing the administration almost
boasting about what a good rep the college
had in the community. But more likely is the
probability that the leadership there simply
agrees with the Fundamentalist tradition.

Gri"wearer of pants"shny

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