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Re: Gambling(Reply #1?)
Posted By: Arthur, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2001, at 10:42:45
In Reply To: Re: Gambling(Reply #1?) posted by Nyperold on Monday, June 25, 2001, at 14:28:50:


I won't post another lengthy dissertation this time because: a) I don't have time and b) this is one of those cases where everything I wanted to say has been said (because there isn't all that much to say on this topic). But I did have one clarifying question on a related topic I'm not sure about...

> >
> > One says that "Gambling is an attempt to gain without working. All games of chance come under this heading."
> ? Even if they don't involve the winning of goods or services?


My question is, do they have to be games of *chance*? As in total chance? (Dice, blackjack, presidential elections, whatever?)

What about wagers based on well-known probabilities? Does a football pool count as gambling of this kind? What about betting on whether or not someone can answer a question? ("Come on, stump the professor.") What about playing the stock market? (Sure, it's technically investing in an actual productive industry, but quite often with day-trading the dollar amounts put in are so small compared to the total company's worth and the stock is sold so quickly after buying that it amounts to dropping your dollars on the casino's table and picking them up again.)

> It's also not good stewardship. When you gamble, you *might* get something back, and you might not. Goods put in the service of the Father always bring good returns, even if they're not in this world(which they may be).

I can understand this in games of pure chance, but what about endeavors of uncertain outcome that sit on the border between games and productive work? Is going on a quiz show like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire work? It certainly involves effort and is a test of competence and ability, but does it do anything productive for the world or for God? (Of course it does, obliquely; it puts money in ABC's pocket and feeds their employee's families, and, who knows, it might actually further the country's educational level, but... is it the same as actually *earning* a million bucks?)

> > -Faux "I'll give you three to one odds that this thread gets more than ten replies." Pas
> Nyperold

Ar"I think the odds are slightly lower on spinoff threads"thur