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Re: Gambling(Reply #1?)
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 14:28:50
In Reply To: Re: Gambling posted by Faux Pas on Monday, June 25, 2001, at 13:39:46:

> A quick search for bible and gambling on Google turned up a few posts that read thusly:
> "The Bible warns against quickly obtaining wealth (Prov. 20:21) but quick acquisition of large sums of money is the primary motivation for gambling. While God may well grant us material blessings (which we should be thankful for and enjoy), we are specifically told not to seek to be rich (Prov. 23:4) and to be content with what God has provided by means of our labor (1 Tim. 6:6-11)."
> One says that "Gambling is an attempt to gain without working. All games of chance come under this heading."

? Even if they don't involve the winning of goods or services?

> "Genesis 3:17-19 states that man is to work for a living." Yet says that "Some would point to the Scriptures and attempt to prove gambling is justified...Likewise, some will point to Acts 1:26 to the "Casting of Lots," for the selection of a replacement for Judas Iscariot. However, this was a procedure which God approved." (Huh?)

Okay, so they nominate two men(presumably under their own power, for if God had chosen one, they would've brought one), then they pray, and cast lots. I just don't know.

I have heard it theorized that Mattityahu(Mattathias) wasn't God's choice, but Paul was. *shrug*

> While there is nothing that says don't gamble, "There is also no Scripture that says 'thou shalt not drive through a school zone at 100 mph'. but we don't do that. Why? Because we understand the principles of safety and concern that prohibit that kind of activity."

It's also not good stewardship. When you gamble, you *might* get something back, and you might not. Goods put in the service of the Father always bring good returns, even if they're not in this world(which they may be).

> -Faux "I'll give you three to one odds that this thread gets more than ten replies." Pas


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