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Re: Insomnia
Posted By: Melanie, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 19:19:26
In Reply To: Insomnia posted by Jezzika on Monday, June 25, 2001, at 08:18:15:

> I haven't slept since Friday night.
> I don't know why. Each night I stare at my bedroom ceiling for hours. I read, I play solitaire, I do everything I can think of.
> But, here I am more than forty-eight hours later with no respite. My body is so exhausted that I can't get anything worthwhile done.
> I've had insomnia for ten years. Not sleeplessness--- this is chronic, and I often spend an entire night awake. However, I've never had it last more than 24 hours. Should I be worried? Has this happened to anyone else? I avoid sleeping pills, because I don't want to form a dependence.
> --Jez"in mental limbo"zika

I don't have insomnia, but sometimes I can't sleep for several hours. Do you have trouble sleeping because you think too much, or just because your body won't sleep? I don't understand much about how to make your body sleep when it doesn't want to, so I won't post any more unless it turns out you just have an overactive mind. That was always my problem when it came to sleep.

Mel"Sleep is hardest on Sundays, the day before you go to an amusement park, or have a big test, or go to another country etc, and on nights after something really good or horrible has happened. For me anyway"anie

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