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Re: Gambling
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 15:08:31
In Reply To: Gambling posted by Wes on Monday, June 25, 2001, at 12:59:13:

> This is going to be a pretty short post, because I basically just want to ask a question. Why does the church consider gambling evil? If it does that is. I'm under the impression that most do. I honestly can't come up with a reason why it would be, so answers would be appreciated.
> Wes - "Lucky number 7"

Well, Wesley, I'm not too concerned with what the chuch and the Bible say about that. Gambling is wrong because it tempts people to throw away money that might have been needed to care for their family. It becomes an obsession and they can't stop. The same could be said of other bad habits.

Another such bad habit that makes no sense to me is smoking. Do the math.
ppd is packs per day
cpp is cost per pack
365 is days in a year
You might be better off gambling. It's less likely to kill you. I'm 67, and because I don't smoke or gamble, I'm still breathing and I'm not on welfare.

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