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Re: Longest Forum Posts
Posted By: Kaz!, on host
Date: Saturday, June 23, 2001, at 23:00:15
In Reply To: Re: Longest Forum Posts posted by Arthur on Saturday, June 23, 2001, at 22:30:34:

Gah! You *already* did a little synopsis on all of those posts? Sheesh, that's my job :-)

But it's okay, you can have it.

Anyhow....yeah. I'm actually suprised that the two posts at the top are *still* the longest. I was pretty sure that Arthur had beaten at least the smaller one of the two by now. But, well, I'm not really complaining, of course.

Also, it would appear that only the posts from number 7 and up from the last longest post thingmy made it to this revision. In other words, that means there are 13 new ones up there. Yep, we're definatly getting more long-winded these days, aren't we? Of course, I won't exactly say that the tendency to post long really is genetic, I'd be much more inclined to say that it generally has more to do with a person's style. For example, I believe that my posts, [Spacebar]'s posts, Sam's posts, and Arthur's posts seem to be, on adverage, much larger then most posts to this forum. I mean, we can just blab on and on and on... :-) Not that that's necessarily a bad thing though (Well, aside from the space issue, of course).

And while on the issue of space: with so many posts now and quite a few long ones....this forum is HUGE. So huge that my computer can't even grab it all anymore before Windows does something silly. I already know that this forum is DEFINATLY bigger then the rest of Rinkworks put together....I'd guess at something around 150 megs by now. Maybe even bigger then that. Perhaps Sam can make a note of this value if he has the time and is willing?

-Ka"25% of those long posts listed are from this house alone...but it used to be 30%. Darnit! :-)"z!

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