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Re: Longest Forum Posts
Posted By: Arthur, on host
Date: Saturday, June 23, 2001, at 22:30:34
In Reply To: Longest Forum Posts posted by Sam on Saturday, June 23, 2001, at 21:28:15:

> 1: 22218.shtml, by Kaz!
> 2: 20995.shtml, by Kaz!
> 3: 21256.shtml, by Sam
> 4: 37240.shtml, by Arthur
> 5: 25733.shtml, by [Spacebar]
> 6: 37245.shtml, by Nyperold
> 7: 37430.shtml, by Arthur
> 8: 28617.shtml, by Wes
> 9: 37216.shtml, by Nyperold
> 10: 27286.shtml, by Stephen
> 11: 33702.shtml, by Sam
> 12: 33670.shtml, by Sam
> 13: 27281.shtml, by [Spacebar]
> 14: 17144.shtml, by unipeg
> 15: 27291.shtml, by [Spacebar]
> 16: 30638.shtml, by J.P.
> 17: 37391.shtml, by Nyperold
> 18: 37207.shtml, by Arthur
> 19: 8087.shtml, by Brandon
> 20: 15924.shtml, by Dave

Wow. I'm only in the list three times? I'm surprised. Maybe I should try harder. :)

I notice that for the short time I was here it didn't take me long to catapult to fourth place, though. I notice that both my and Nyperold's appearances here (which come from that recent big honking thread) gain some of their length because they include quoted bits of other posts (particularly Nyperold's posts, which really are mostly my hyperverbose text, not his; he's nice enough not to be ruthless with the snipper). Also, the three posts above mine are different from mine; Kaz!'s number one post is an Adventures With, his next one is a transcript of an interview with Sam, and Sam's number three is another Adventures With. While all of mine are from that big old debate thing and probably much less interesting to read. :(

Let's see... Stephen's post is a point-by-point debate post similar to mine, [Spacebar]'s biggest one is a detailed political thingy, some more of [Spacebar]'s stuff about the whole chat debate (Hey! How come I wasn't here for the BEER/BUTT thing?), some fiction from Wes and from J.P., (Hey, that's an idea; I could post some of my fiction here! Two problems; my stories are even longer than my normal posts, and they tend to suck.) a humor piece from Brandon (wow, that's *old*, back in the pre-10000 days), and more Adventures With Dave and Sam.

So, the top ways to generate big long posts:

1) Start a debate that will get people to quote invididual points in each other's posts in full so they can refute them, creating a never-ending process of post growth.

2) Have an adventure in some part of the world. Tell people about it.

3) Write a story. Tell people about it.

4) Start a debate that will require somebody to post a detailed explanation of some country's political system.

5) Have an important interview somewhere that will be difficult for many people to hear first time around. Have someone enthusiastic enough to copy the thing verbatim. :)

6) Write something funny where few people will see it. Wait for someone to copy it and post it here.

Hmm. Actually, none of these are very different from the sort of thing that generates semi-long, medium, short, or tiny posts on the RinkForum.


Guess the tendency to post long really is genetic...

Ar"wouldn't it be ironic if this became one of the longest posts?"thur

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